Experience Holistic Healing

Indulge in Various Forms of Therapeutic Massages, Acupuncture, Yoga, and More

Experienced Therapists in Hanover, PA

Nestled in the heart of Hanover, PA, All is Well Associates specializes in various forms of therapeutic massage, acupuncture, healing arts and yoga. A team of seven dedicated associates offers a sanctuary for healing and unity for your well-being. They provide tailored treatments designed to assist clients in their journey toward well-being and recovery from illness, surgery, chronic health problems, and emotional trauma.

Mission Statement

All is Well Associates aims to bring together independent care providers dedicated to your health and convenience. Using a range of holistic techniques to complement your current healthcare, they strive to promote healthy living practices in a professional, compassionate environment.


Begin Your Journey

Experience the profound benefits of therapeutic massage at All is Well Associates. From Swedish to deep tissue massage, their experts employ a range of techniques to address your specific needs, promoting relaxation, pain relief, and healing. Embark on a path to better health with All is Well Associates. Contact them today to schedule your appointment and experience the transformative power of their holistic health services.


Duis sed risus urna. Etiam fringilla ligula at odio semper, a laoreet risus auctor.

Fusce Imperdiet

Sed ac laoreet erat. Sed sit amet erat ornare, ornare massa non, sollicitudin risus.

Mauris Etiam

tiam fringilla ligula at odio semper, a laoreet risus auctor.

Nunc Nec

Vestibulum vel aliquam mi, non ornare tortor.

Nulla Quis

Nam ex leo, tincidunt eu urna et, rutrum ultricies metus.

Nullam Cursus